Affiliate Compare are totally committed to protecting the privacy of our site visitors and your site visitors. We fully appreciate and respect the importance of privacy on the Internet. We will not disclose information about you or your customers to third parties except where it is a necessary part of providing a service to you - e.g. Arranging for payment to be sent to you. Any customer information collected will be done so lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998).
We do not collect information deemed "sensitive" under the Data Protection Act 1998. Your personal details are retained on a restricted access system within the UK and in accordance with our internal security policy and the law. When you create an account on line with us we will need to know your name, address, contact details, site details and payment details. This will allow you to use our systems and ensure that your sales are recorded and payment is made to you.
We do not sell, rent or trade information about you or your customers. We follow the rules of the UK Data Protection Act 1998 which includes strict security procedures to ensure that stored information is not accessible by unauthorized persons.
Site Statistics
We may collect data about which products and retailers where clicked on and which items sold. These statistics will then be used to present you with reports on your number of clicks and maybe the items you sold. This data is only analysed by ourselves and yourself.
What are Cookies?
A cookie is a small information file that is sent to your computer and is stored on your hard drive. You can change the settings on your browser to prevent cookies being stored on your computer without your explicit consent. Affiliate Compare do not currently use cookies for any tracking. Networks and Merchants will use Cookies in order to track the sales you have made via our service.
Contacting us
We are always pleased to hear from our customers. We are always grateful for any time you spend providing us with the knowledge we need to ensure our customers are completely satisfied - we want you to make the most sales possible and to get you to recommend us to your affiliate friends and family.
If you have any questions or feedback about this statement please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.
You can send an email to: