Affiliate Compare offers affiliates the facility to embed or display comparison product searches and results from their websites. All the hard work of comparing products and prices of Music CDs, DVDs and Books from various online retailers who have affiliate programs is completed by affiliate compare. Commission Revenues are shared between affiliate compare and the affiliate that generates the product sale.

We use various merchants from a number of Affiliate Networks and put all the data together and compare the results for you. You send us the query we return you the results. If someone clicks on a link and goes and purchases an item the sale is tracked by your unique Site ID, the commission is then shared between Affiliate Compare and yourselves.
Affiliate compare differs to normal companies that may only offer you Pay Per Click commissions, affiliate compare will offer you a percentage commission on all sales with the same cookie lengths as a network.
The Affiliate Compare comparison service takes away the hassle of you having to work hard on comparing commonly sold products such Music CDs, Books and DVDs. There is no need to worry about having the latest product feeds from online retailers. Have your search comparison functionality run by affiliate compare and get on worrying about the other higher value affiliate programs or the other new websites you want to design.
The Affiliate Compare program does not require that your web hosting account has a database. The embedded service only requires that your webhost can parse and execute the PHP scripting language. For the embedded option all you need is two basic template web pages, one for the search results and one for the item product details, both of which must be PHP pages.
Our PopUp option offers you the possibility of just using a search box or product links on your site and the rest of the results can be hosted and displayed by us while you just collect the sale commissions. Both options can be highly tailored to look like your existing site.
The service is a great way to add search comparison facility to any web site or blog and offer your visitors a great way of finding the cheapest CDs, DVDs and Books, as well as generating you income.
There is no need for you to enrol in any affiliate programs, as affiliate compare handles all that for you. Upon being accepted by affiliate compare you will be issued with an account and a site ID which must be contained in all your scripts. The site ID is used to track all your sale commissions.
Payment of your afiliate commissions can be paid to you either by cheque or PayPal.
Major Benefits
FREE to Join
No hassle of large Product Databases
No need to enrol with Affiliate Networks
Integration can be highly tailored to look like your existing site
2 Options - Embedded and PopUp
Easy to setup and use
Earn a % of the Sale NOT a Click price!